Tips to ease low back crankiness OFF your yoga mat
Tips to ease low back crankiness OFF your yoga mat I’m back with a few more tips to share! I’ve been practicing yoga for 30 years and I’ve dealt with chronic low back pain for 20 years. As a yoga teacher and movement instructor I chose to get smart about my body’s...
Quick Tips to Ease Low Back Pain During Your Yoga Practice
Quick Tips to Ease Low Back Pain During Your Yoga Practice Hello again! I’m expanding on my last blog with a few quick tips to help you move safely on your yoga mat if you are having chronic low back pain: As always, first get checked out by a licensed healthcare...
Do you have low back pain that slows you down, but you don’t want to let stop you?
Do you have low back pain that slows you down, but you don’t want to let stop you? I certainly do. I am a naturally flexible person who also has both herniated and flattened discs in my low back. I also just happen to be a yoga teacher, yoga practitioner, horseback...
Shouts & Whispers – Listening to our bodies
Shouts & Whispers - Listening to our bodies Have you ever been in a movement class and either said or thought “I don’t feel anything” or “Where am I supposed to feel this?” As an teacher I hear this all the time. My response is generally that not every BODY is...